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Meet The Teacher


Since a very young age, Sophia has shown an intuitive ability; she would offer back rubs and always found 'the spot'. As a young mother, Sophia thought massage therapy would be the perfect career for her.


In 2005 Sophia attended Vitality College of Healing Arts in Carlsbad, CA. On the first day of massage class, yoga was introduced. Seeing the synergy between yoga and massage Sophia started her own yoga practice. Graduating in 2006 as a massage therapist, Sophia went on to work with chiropractors and physical therapists. Finding a deep sense of gratitude and joy in her yoga practice, Sophia often incoporated many yoga stretches and breathing techniques on and off the table.


In 2008 Sophia began her yoga teacher training journey. Journey it was! The first 100 hours resulted in many self realizations and universal alignments that scared and shook Sophia to the core. Realizing there was a lot of self work still to be done, she took the next few years to practice yoga, self love, and be a stay at home mom.


In 2010 Sophia reached a pinnacle point in her life. She realized her physical abilities and health were no longer what they once were. Now mother to a 5 year old, she could not keep up with her kid or many people. This realization drove Sophia to the gym, and exercise every spare moment she had. This exercise obsession led Sophia to a bike that she inevitable fell off of breaking her arm. This broken arm changed Sophia's life.


The broken arm left Sophia unable to work most jobs, and kept her from massage. Unsure of what to do, she went back to school. Having a deep passion for exercise she attended Mira Costa College to pursue a AA in Kinesiology. While attending Mira Costa, she completed her RYT-200 in 2013. 

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